August 19, 2010

farmer's market love...

photo copyright madison belle

before i get back to my regularly scheduled party-planning posts...
(i know, i promised! and they will come!)

i have been crushing on farmer's markets lately (as you can probably tell from yesterday's post!).  maybe because i haven't really been cooking lately, but instead eating out a lot, and therefore haven't grocery shopped in a while! i travel alot and therefore food does not keep very long in the refrigerator when you are not here to eat it!, i am craving a shopping trip to a local farm. i should just plan it when i know i am in town but with wedding planning taking up all my extra time i don't plan too far ahead these days :)

i did actually check out Broom's Bloom dairy last weekend! i mentioned it in the blog a while is a precious farm stand in Bel Air, Maryland that serves up the creamiest, most delicious ice cream...well, by most delicious i mean it's right behind the BEST and my personal favorites...Cincinatti's Graeter's ice cream, and my beloved Kline's Dairy Bar in Harrisonburg, VA...but, it IS delicious!

do you agree there is nothing like a sweet farm stand (that serves ice cream too!) to bring joy to a usually mundane activity like grocery shopping? ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hello.

    I love this blog/shop! I live in the Cincinnati area and am always so proud when anyone gives a shout-out to Graeter's (Black Raspberry Chip is ahhh-mazing). Thanks for the constant stream of inspiration!

    (The Diggingest Girl)
