Before February is over {where the heck did it go?!}, I wanted to share with you the care packages I crafted for my valentine’s this year!
I have been feeling all sorts of crafty lately, so I knew I wanted to make a valentine from scratch, that was for sure. I made a list of what I wanted it to be:
1. must be happy,
2. must include some form of chocolate,
3. must show how much I love the person receiving it!
4. and of course, must be unique and whimsical ;)
And then I went for it…
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coordinating paper, white cardstock, scissors, baker's twine, glassine bags, any other extras you want to add…
I made the above "let them eat cupcakes" 5 x 7 print in photoshop, in light of the latest “keep calm and carry on” poster craze, and then printed them off to be framed. Then, with that, I cut happy little hearts that said “be mine,” “xoxo,” and "love you," to place in the glassine bags. Oh, and let's not forget the OPEN ME packages. 3 hearts inside one another, each slightly smaller than the one prior...all folded into envelopes. And inside...a simple note..."i love you."
step 4. the extras
I added cupcake magnets, and little pins by sweetie pie press {shown here} in the glassine bags with the valentine & hearts. just for a little something extra!
and voila! a happy little package ready for delivery!
p.s. I ate the leftover cookies, thus why they are not shown in the finished product pics...they were just too good to resist! ;)
all images and ideas in this post, copyright madison belle. please do not use without permission.
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