August 04, 2009

temporary change of address

photo courtesy of apartment therapy

mb note No. 08042009

Lots and lots of changes happening at madison belle this summer and moving into the fall…

For one, our address has changed! I promise I will be in touch with the details, but for now we are working out of the beautiful state of Maryland! (Thus why we haven’t posted in a while because we were moving the office and let me tell you, that was no easy feat!)

As our current address is temporary, we are still a NY business, and therefore will continue to charge sales tax for orders shipped to the state of NY. {Please note that as of August 1, 2009, sales tax for NY has changed from 8.375% to 8.875%}

If you have any questions, please contact us at

And stay tuned for exciting things around the corner!!!!



  1. i love this photo. congrats on the move! i'm discovering your shop for the first time and adore everything in it!

  2. thanks so much!!! so glad you like the shop!! so great to hear!
